What Phobia is Behind Your Driving Fears?

driving phobiasDriving fear is a broad term often used to describe any type of driving phobia or driving anxiety that hits you behind the wheel. While such terms make for an easy description, they don’t necessarily make for an accurate one.

Driving anxiety can stem from a handful of different phobias, and they’re not necessarily only reserved for the driver. Passengers, too, can suffer from a number of fears associated with driving conditions, driving dangers or even the vehicle itself.

Driving Phobias that Can Hit Drivers and Passengers

Amaxophobia – Those suffering from amaxophobia don’t need to be driving to be filled with dread. They can experience intense fear and panic from simply riding in a vehicle.

Chionophobia – Northern states in winter can be prime places for this phobia, which refers to a fear of snow.

Claustrophobia – Compact cars can especially induce claustrophobia, or fear of small, enclosed places. Even larger vehicles may bring on anxiety or full-blown panic attacks if the driver or passenger feels trapped and unable to escape.

Dystychiphobia – Drivers as well as passengers can be afflicted with this fear of accidents, or potential hazards that can crop up while on the road.

Gephyrophobia – Driving on highways, byways and other roadways may be fine, but those suffering from gephyrophobia have an intense fear of driving over bridges.

Hodophobia – Fear of airplane travel isn’t the only mode of transportation that can send some into a panic. Hodophobia is the fear of road travel.

Mechanophobia – Vehicles are just one of numerous items feared by those suffering from mechanophobia, which is a phobia of any type of machine.

Ochophobia, aka Motophobia – This general fear of the automobile can hit even if a person is nowhere near a vehicle. The very thought of cars, trucks and other vehicles may be enough to cause acute anxiety.

Photoaugliaphobia – Bright headlights are more than just an annoyance for those suffering from photoaugliaphobia, or fear of blaring lights. Daytime driving may be OK, but nighttime driving could be highly distressing.

Technophobia – Self-driving cars may certainly exacerbate this fear, which is a phobia linked to complex gadgets and advanced technology.

Traumatophobia – Drivers, passengers, pedestrians, bicyclists and even folks nowhere near a car or road can suffer from this fear of bodily harm.

Vehophobia – Simply sitting in a vehicle may be fine for those suffering from this fear of driving. But if the person is tasked with turning on the ignition and actually cruising down the road in control of the auto, intense distress can set in.

Combination of Causes

Because each person is unique, your driving fears may not fit neatly into any one category. Your driving anxiety may stem from any combination of phobias, past experiences or other associations that are yours alone.

Understanding some of the phobias that can fuel driving fears can help you get to the root of your own issues. That way you can acknowledge, accept and treat them as needed to move forward with far more confidence and far less fear.


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