How to Switch Your Thinking to Lessen Your Driving Fears

A horrific memory can be one of the main factors behind your driving anxiety and fears. But you can recall the memory in a different way to help lessen its emotional impact. Check out a study that says so!

Exploring Exposure Therapy: How Does It Work?

One of the best treatment options for people who have driving fear (or another phobia) can be exposure therapy. While exposure therapy can be very difficult in the short-run, research shows that it can work in the brain to change a fear response to a calm one.

How Being Left-Handed May Increase Your Risk of Driving Fears

Driving fears, anxiety and phobias can stem from numerous causes, and one of those causes that may be at least partly to blame is being left-handed. Read on for more!

Everything to Know about Panic Disorder, Attacks (Part 2)

If you read last week's article on panic disorder, you should have an idea of what the condition is, how it affects people, and some things that contribute to panic attacks. This final article will describe some of the things related to panic that psychology researchers are currently interested in studying.

How Humor Can Help Your Driving Fears (and Your Life!)

When your fear of driving drives you into an anxious or stressful state, laughter may be the last thing on your mind. But it shouldn't be. Research shows humor can help alleviate fears, reduce stress, improve relationships and enhance your overall life. Read on for more!

How Karma Plays a Role in Your Life (and Driving Fears)

Karma is a powerful force that can make good things, or bad things, happen. Check out the role it can play in your life and how it may be affecting your driving fears.