Do Your Driving Fears Put you at Risk for Panic Disorder?

You already know you suffer from driving fears, driving anxiety, or even specific driving phobias. But does that mean you automatically increase your risk of suffering from panic disorder?

Not necessarily, according to  Panic disorder, a condition marked by frequent and seemingly uncontrollable panic attacks, may not be in your cards whatsoever. This holds true even if you have experienced panic attacks in the past due to your anxiety and fears about driving.

Risk factors for panic disorder do not cause the disorder per se, but they can serve as contributing factors that increase your likelihood of developing the condition. Risk factors noted at include:

  • Gender — Women are twice as likely to get panic disorder as men.
  • Age — Panic disorder typically develops in late adolescence to early adulthood. However, it can occur during childhood or in middle or late adulthood.
  • Personality Type  There is some evidence to suggest that children with anxious personality types are at greater risk for developing an anxiety disorder in adulthood. A temperamental style associated with passiveness and an excessive avoidance of trying new things or exposing one’s self to the unfamiliar have also been indicated as possible contributing risk factors.
  • Family Upbringing and Environment  Some studies have shown that parents who are anxious may model this anxious behavior to their children. Overprotective parenting styles and high levels of stress in the home during upbringing may also contribute.
  • Family History — Individuals with a first-degree biological relative (mother, father or sibling) with panic disorder are 8 times more likely to develop the condition.
  • Stressful Life Events — Some experts believe that stressful environmental factors may trigger panic disorder in some people.”

Even if you do suffer from panic attacks due to your driving fears, the list indicates you’re not at a higher risk of developing panic disorder.

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