How Playfulness Can Increase Life Satisfaction, Decrease Anxiety
Posted on September 2, 2020
If you think taking time to play throughout the day is a waste of time, think again. A study shows playfulness can increase life satisfaction levels. This, in turn, can decrease driving anxiety and fears.
What Exercise Can Do for Driving Anxiety
Posted on October 30, 2019
Exercise has long been touted for its multiple benefits, and one of the greatest is decreasing and preventing driving anxiety.
How to Tell the Difference between a Panic Attack and Anxiety Attack
Posted on May 15, 2019
Knowing the difference between a panic attack and an anxiety attack can help you know what to expect when they happen.
How to Deal with Driving Anxiety Caused by a Backseat Driver
Posted on February 26, 2019
Driving fear and driving anxiety can get even worse with a backseat driver in the car. Check out ways to handle it.
Why More Teens are Delaying Their Driver’s License
Posted on December 27, 2018
More and more teens are delaying their drivers license, with driving fear as the number one reason why. Read on to find out more.
Can Driving Fears and Superstitions Make You a Better Driver?
Posted on March 29, 2018
Check out the top driving fears and top driving superstitions across the U.S., along with the possible impact fears and superstitions may have on your driving.