Why Driving Fears May Seem Conquerable Compared to Worries and Woes for 2013

Even if your driving fears don’t consume your life, they probably do take up a big chunk of your brain. But there are two things that may help.

  1. Worry is part of being human. Everyone does it and it’s unlikely you’ll ever fully escape it since we are programmed to think about what’s coming up next. Edge.org puts it a bit more eloquently: “We worry because we are built to anticipate the future.”
  2. Driving fears, driving anxiety and driving phobias are something you can overcome with enough persistence. A load of other fears shared by participants in the Edge’s annual question for 2013, however, seem a tad more insurmountable. The list comes from scholars, writers, scientists, artists and other “thinkers” who share their woes on the direction of the modern world.

The official questions asks “2013: What ‘should’ we be worried about?” Answers range from the shallowness of today’s information to Chinese eugenics that may leave the U.S. and Europe in the dust.

Warning: if you pick up worries and fears as easily as plucking weeds, you may not want to check out the list. If, on the other hand, you are of the type that actually feels better knowing other people worry and that their worries may not be as feasible to overcome as your own, by all means give it a whirl!

Read more on Edge.org’s annual question: http://edge.org/annual-question

Read the responses: http://edge.org/responses/q2013