Fishing for a Way to Reduce Driving Anxiety? Try Salmon
Posted on January 18, 2013
Your diet plays a role in your anxiety levels, and you can beat those driving anxiety levels down with a plate full of salmon. Read more on this meaty fish's benefits -- and why you should top it off with an orange for dessert.
3 Stress Myths that Can Hinder Overcoming Your Driving Fears
Posted on January 18, 2013
Stress is a major player in your driving anxiety and fears, but things can only get worse if you believe three popular stress myths. Read the truth behind the myths.
Why Drowsy Driving Fits on the List of Driving Fears
Posted on January 17, 2013
Don't drive drunk, don't drive while on drugs, and don't drive drowsy! Drowsy driving accounts for thousands of fatal crashes each year, but you don't have to add it to your driving anxiety and driving fears if you take precautions to avoid it. Here's how.
Why Benzodiazepines May Not Work for Driving Anxiety and Panic
Posted on January 16, 2013
Driving anxiety and panic attacks may not always benefit from the use of benzodiazepines. In fact, such medication can actually make things worse. Read on to find out why.
Tips for Overcoming Driving Fear, from One Formerly Fearful Driver to Another
Posted on January 15, 2013
If Prudie can do, so can you! Advice columnist for "Dear Prudence" shares her own personal experience with driving anxiety to help another get over her own current driving fears. Check out her pep talk.
Why You Should Try Meditation to Overcome Driving Fears
Posted on January 14, 2013
Meditation can do amazing things, but don't take it from us. Take it from a couple of studies mentioned in an article at Scientific American. Read more to decide if you think it can work for your driving fears.