Changes Planned for Fear-Inducing Bridge

Driving anxiety causes people to feel anxiety or extreme discomfort while driving, or while someone else is driving them somewhere.

For some people, driving anxiety may occur in just a few driving situations.

Driving on the highway, driving in inclement weather, driving near open water, and driving over bridges tend to make people uncomfortable or nervous, sometimes to the point of panic.

The Tappan Zee Bridge has caused many drivers to feel anxiety and fear since its construction.

According to a woman who was extremely afraid of crossing bridges in her car, the Tappan Zee is especially frightening. She says that the bridge lacks an area for drivers to pull over, so even someone having a panic attack is unable to take a moment to breathe and calm down while driving.

An article about the bridge and the aforementioned woman with driving fear discusses future plans for the Tappan Zee. The bridge will soon be altered to be much wider than it currently is, which will hopefully lead to greater safety and peace of mind for drivers.

The article mentions specific plans relevant to the Tappan Zee that will be enacted in the next few years. Typical driving fears and concerns people have while driving under certain circumstances area also mentioned.

If you would like to read the article about how the Tappan Zee and other bridges factor in to driving fear, you can click on the link found below. You can also find out what mental health experts think of the changes to be made to the bridge.

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