How to Beat Driving Fear with Newfangled Exercise Tips

If you still think Jane Fonda is the hottest workout guru on the market, think again. While exercise remains a crucial component for beating the anxiety and stress that worsen your driving fears, the way most folks go about it needs a 2013 overhaul.

That’s where Leo Babauta’s new rules of fitness kick in. Babauta’s Zen Habits blog outlines a number of effective ways you can update your exercise regimen to better fit your habits and schedule.

No, he doesn’t mention Jane Fonda and yes, you can probably still don leg warmers if you wish. You can also benefit from some of the tips. His first tip is one of the most notable, since most of us no longer have big chunks of time to dedicate to lengthy treadmill and weight circuit sessions:

Small. In the world of tweets and SMS messages, long classess or gym workouts or jogging sessions just don’t seem to fit,” Babuata explains. “We don’t have time for all of that. So toss out the workout, and instead think of fitness as small as a tweet. Sprint up a hill after getting off the train or parking your car. Sprint up a flight of stairs as you go into the office. Do some pushups before a meeting. Do some squats after sitting for 30 minutes. Pick up a friend, put him on your shoulders, and carry him for a block. Let’s call it a fitness bit instead of a workout.”

Like the tip? Then you’ll probably enjoy the others. Say goodbye to Jane Fonda and hello to short, fun “fitness bits.”

Read the full blog post: