Why Cooking Can Help Alleviate Driving Anxiety
Posted on June 28, 2018
Cooking comes with multiple benefits that automatically help alleviate driving anxiety and driving fears. Check out what they are.
Can Driving Fears and Superstitions Make You a Better Driver?
Posted on March 29, 2018
Check out the top driving fears and top driving superstitions across the U.S., along with the possible impact fears and superstitions may have on your driving.
How to Deal with Driving Phobia and Driving Fears While at Work
Posted on February 28, 2018
Sometimes your driving fears and driving phobia can erupt when you least expect it -- like during a staff meeting at work. Check out some tips for effectively dealing with driving phobia in the workplace.
How Fear of Self-Driving Cars is Decreasing
Posted on January 30, 2018
Self-driving vehicles are less feared than there were even a year ago, although those with driving anxiety may still be rather wary.
How to Use Mental Contrasting to Reduce Anxiety about the Future
Posted on October 31, 2017
A visualization technique known as mental contrasting can help quash fears about the future, which may include driving anxiety.
What Driving Anxiety Can do to Your Flu Shot
Posted on September 30, 2017
Driving anxiety brings on prolonged exposure to stress, and that can actually affect the effectiveness of your flu shot.