4 Ways to Stop Being ‘Too Nice’ to Help Alleviate Driving Anxiety
Posted on February 1, 2013
Getting rid of your niceaholic ways can help alleviate your driving anxiety. It may also be easier than you think. Read on!
Why Being ‘Too Nice’ Can Worsen Your Driving Fears
Posted on January 31, 2013
You don't want to be a monster, but you don't want to be a doormat, either. If you're a 'niceaholic,' you may already be in the latter category, which is a prime place to end up with increased driving anxiety. Read on to learn why.
Why and How to Use Meditation to Beat Driving Anxiety
Posted on January 30, 2013
If the whole word practiced meditation, we would indeed have a better place. Not only can a regular practice help keep you level-headed and calm, but it can help alleviate your driving anxiety and driving fears. Check out some info and tips to get started.
Why You Should Try Meditation to Overcome Driving Fears
Posted on January 14, 2013
Meditation can do amazing things, but don't take it from us. Take it from a couple of studies mentioned in an article at Scientific American. Read more to decide if you think it can work for your driving fears.
Emotional Fluidity: Learning to ‘Surf’ Anxiety – Part One
Posted on November 17, 2012
Your driving anxiety can be made easier by learning how to "surf anxiety" and make the most of your "anxiety umbrella." Part one of a three-part series, "Emotional Fluidity."
Emotional Fluidity: Learning to ‘Surf’ Anxiety – Part Three
Posted on November 14, 2012
Learn how the ever changing and fluid nature of emotions and mindfulness training can be used in concert to help overcome anxiety, phobias, or panic attacks while driving. Part three of the three-part series, "Emotional Fluidity."