Why High Anxiety Can Lead to High Risk of Dementia
Posted on December 22, 2015
Being frazzled, fidgety and otherwise full of anxiety can increase your risk of developing dementia. And yes, this can apply to high levels of driving anxiety and driving fears. Read on for more.
Self-Driving Cars: Boon or Bust for Driving Fears and Anxiety?
Posted on October 27, 2015
Driving anxiety and driving fears can hit hard when you're behind the wheel. But what about if you're behind the wheel of a self-driving vehicle?
3 Things People Should Never Say to Those with Driving Fears
Posted on August 31, 2015
Suffering from driving fears can be tough enough on its own, and saying the wrong thing can make it worse. Check out this rundown on phrases to avoid.
Driving Fears Outweigh Fear of Ghosts, Spiders and Death
Posted on June 30, 2015
Never mind spiders, ghosts and death. The top-ranking fear of the younger set is fear of driving. Read on for more!
Want to Make Driving Less Stressful? Try One of These Tips
Posted on May 26, 2015
Driving gives you plenty of time to focus on your driving fears or anxiety -- unless you'd rather focus on something more positive with one of these dandy tips.
4 Horrible Habits for Your Driving Fears and Mental Health
Posted on April 29, 2015
Some of the little things you do each day can have a big impact on your driving fears and overall mental health. Read on for more!