How Your Comfort Zone Can Keep You Stuck in Your Driving Fears

Comfort zones are dangerous places that can leave you stagnant, unproductive and riddled with driving fears. Read on to learn more about these mis-named zones and, better yet, how to break free.

Driven to Distraction: Music Can Affect Driving Performance

Music can have quite an impact on your mood, and not just when you're working out or using music to relax. Have you ever wondered how listening to music in the car can affect your driving performance? An Israeli study seeks to answer this question.

Understanding and Treating Driving Fear and Phobia (Part 2)

Driving fear can have widespread negative effects on one’s life. Most people want the freedom and independence of driving, but driving phobia can make them seem unattainable. Read this article to find out how driving anxiety can be treated.

A Brief Introduction to Specific Phobias

Many people know what a phobia, or an intense fear, is. But there are some important things about phobias that you may not know which can help you. Find out more about specific phobias here!

How Self-Compassion Can Help Alleviate Driving Fears

We live in a world where being tough on yourself is admired and even expected. But throwing out that mindset and showing yourself a little self-compassion can do wonders for your driving fears - and your life!

Understanding and Treating Driving Fear and Phobia (Part 1)

Driving phobia is a unique and difficult disorder to treat. Is it possible to overcome such a specific and debilitating fear? If you want to learn more about driving phobia and how you can start down the road to recovery, read this detailed article.