Mindfulness or MBSR for Treating Anxiety
Posted on November 12, 2012
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and mindfulness practices have proven themselves highly beneficial for treating anxiety, panic attacks, and more. Learn what it is, the supporting research, and how it can be used to help treat anxiety.
Sleep, Your Anxiety, and How to Make it Better By Tonight
Posted on November 12, 2012
Sleep problems can be caused by anxiety or result in decreased tolerance to stress. Recent research points to several hidden causes you need to know and how you can get the rest you need.
Rewriting Your Anxiety Story (Part Three)
Posted on November 9, 2012
Find out how you can interrupt the automatic negative storyline that becomes habitual and feeds your anxiety by learning to "purge the urge." Part three of a three-part series.
Rewriting Your Anxiety Story (Part Two)
Posted on November 9, 2012
Discover the damaging duo of "shenpa and klesha," the role they play in creating and perpetuating your anxiety, and how to get started defeating them. Part two of a three-part series.
Rewriting Your Anxiety Story (Part One)
Posted on November 9, 2012
Learn how you can prevent the habitual and negative thought processes that can lead to ongoing stress and problematic anxiety with something much more positive, healthy, and calming. Part one of a three-part series.
Self-Talk and Its Impact on Driving Anxiety
Posted on October 13, 2012
Driving phobia can make you feel trapped, unable to move forward in your life. People who don't suffer from driving phobia can't understand how stressful it is for you to do something they can do so easily. Want to know how you can help yourself when you're feeling overwhelmed with driving anxiety? Learn some simple but effective tricks here!