Why Marijuana Use Can Lead to Bigger Driving Fears
Posted on November 19, 2013
Even if you don't smoke pot and drive, those who do may heighten your driving fears. Some experts say those fears are confounded, while others arguing driving after smoking marijuana poses no increased risk. Read on for more!
Exploring Exposure Therapy: How Does It Work?
Posted on November 14, 2013
One of the best treatment options for people who have driving fear (or another phobia) can be exposure therapy. While exposure therapy can be very difficult in the short-run, research shows that it can work in the brain to change a fear response to a calm one.
How Being Left-Handed May Increase Your Risk of Driving Fears
Posted on November 5, 2013
Driving fears, anxiety and phobias can stem from numerous causes, and one of those causes that may be at least partly to blame is being left-handed. Read on for more!
Long Commutes Can Affect Mental Well-Being
Posted on October 30, 2013
Driving to and from work every day is something that many people dread. Long commutes can be very unpleasant and uncomfortable. But besides being a nuisance, how else do long commutes affect you? Find out here.
Electric Cars: Range Anxiety Still an Issue
Posted on October 24, 2013
Range anxiety is not the usual driving fear, but it can be an issue in its own right. It can truly have an effect on people and on the use of electric vehicles. Come read about how range anxiety holds people back from embracing new electric car technology.
How Humor Can Help Your Driving Fears (and Your Life!)
Posted on October 22, 2013
When your fear of driving drives you into an anxious or stressful state, laughter may be the last thing on your mind. But it shouldn't be. Research shows humor can help alleviate fears, reduce stress, improve relationships and enhance your overall life. Read on for more!