Can Driving Fears and Superstitions Make You a Better Driver?

Check out the top driving fears and top driving superstitions across the U.S., along with the possible impact fears and superstitions may have on your driving.

How to Set Your New Year’s Resolutions for Success

Whether you want to lose weight or work on driving fears, you can set your new year's resolutions up for success using these strategic tactics.

How to Deal with Anxiety in Holiday Crowds

Avoiding holiday crowds may not be possible, but these tips can at least make them easier on your anxiety.

What Driving Anxiety Can do to Your Flu Shot

Driving anxiety brings on prolonged exposure to stress, and that can actually affect the effectiveness of your flu shot.

What Do You Fear More: Driving or Being without Smartphone?

The smartphone has become an integral part of life. So much so, that some suffer anxiety, unpleasantness and other withdrawal symptoms when they're without it.

How Cell Phone Anxiety Can Rival Driving Anxiety and Driving Fears

The more time you spend on your cell phone, the more anxious the device is apt to make you feel. Check out how phone anxiety rivals driving anxiety, and what you can do for relief.