Understanding and Treating Driving Fear and Phobia (Part 1)
Posted on August 23, 2013
Driving phobia is a unique and difficult disorder to treat. Is it possible to overcome such a specific and debilitating fear? If you want to learn more about driving phobia and how you can start down the road to recovery, read this detailed article.
What Driving Fears Hit Hardest When Driving Abroad
Posted on August 20, 2013
Renting a car to tour the English countryside may sound like a dream, although many driving fears can hit hard when driving abroad. Check out what they are and what you can do to alleviate them.
How Is EMDR Used to Treat Phobias?
Posted on August 15, 2013
There are a variety of methods used to treat anxiety and phobias. Some of them may be familiar to you, but some are not as well-known. Find out what "Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing" is here.
Where You Can Find the Best and Worst Drivers in the U.S.
Posted on August 13, 2013
Check out a rundown on where you can find the best and worst drivers in the U.S., but don't let the stats fuel your driving fears. With proper preparation and helpful measures, you can drive safely and serenely anywhere.
Why Fear of Driving is Not the Only Hazardous Fear on the Road
Posted on July 30, 2013
Fears often erupt in groups, which means suffering from fear of driving may lead to suffering from a lineup of other fears that can affect your driving. Read more to find out what they are.
Driving Fear and Anxiety: An Outsider’s Perspective
Posted on July 25, 2013
If you have driving anxiety, then you already know what it's like to feel fear seize you while you're on the road. But what do people who drive without anxiety think about their nervous companions on the road? Read a humorous take on driving fear here.