When Fear Returns: Relapsing after Therapy
Posted on October 10, 2012
You may have heard of relapses after successful treatment. Unfortunately, this can happen to people who have been "cured" of their phobia in therapy. How and why does this occur? Is there any way to prevent it? Read to find out more!
Searching for a Cure for PTSD
Posted on October 7, 2012
PTSD is a very serious condition that, until recently, did not receive much attention. You may have heard the stories of veterans returning from war and feeling pressured to hide their new feelings of anxiety and fear. For others, a sense of disconnection from their surroundings took over their life. Thankfully, there is more awareness of PTSD today, and researchers are working on finding new ways to treat and prevent it.
How Can Therapy Help with Driving Phobia?
Posted on October 4, 2012
People with driving phobia can be reluctant to seek help for their problem. They may feel embarrassed by their fear and think no one else understands what they're going through. Talking to a therapist can reduce the sense of isolation and helplessness driving phobics feel. Read about what therapy can do to ease driving anxiety.
Facilities Designed to Treat Anxiety and Phobias
Posted on September 27, 2012
Treating an anxiety disorder can be difficult, but partial to full recovery is possible for most people. You may have tried a few methods and found that they just didn't work for you. Rather than giving up and accepting severe anxiety, you may want to explore treatment centers in your area.
Treating Driving Anxiety without Using Therapy
Posted on September 19, 2012
While therapy is an excellent way to treat a range of mental health problems, it isn't for everyone. Some people, for various reasons, do not want to seek counseling. If you have a non-debilitating fear of driving or a manageable fear of certain driving situations, there are basic techniques you can try on your own to end your anxiety.
Doctor Describes How He Treats Driving Phobia
Posted on September 16, 2012
There are some surprising obstacles to treatment that can occur on the road to recovery from driving phobia. For instance, did you know that many people who suffer from driving fear often have a strong fear of being in enclosed spaces? Knowing what scares you the most about driving can help you to overcome your phobia.