Driving Fear Treatment: A Personal Touch

Treating driving anxiety can be difficult, but there are some tried and true methods which tend to have good results. One mental health specialist writes about his experiences treating driving phobia and a particular client he had to use creative methods to help.

Driving Stress Getting You Down? Try Smiling

A scowl may be your usual expression when faced with driving fears, anxiety and stress. Turn that scowl into a smile and you may be surprised at how quickly things can change.

Why Texting Can be Dangerous to Your Health (and Not Just While Driving)

Texting can be a quick way to let someone know you're running late. But it can also become an addictive activity that jeopardizes your health, worsens your anxiety and driving fears, and makes it tough to sleep at night. Check out what various studies had to say about this popular habit.

Tips for Managing or Overcoming Your Driving Phobia

Fear of driving can be a thing of the past with a number of solutions that can work for alleviating stress, getting through a panic attack and help quash driving fears for the long haul. Check them out now!

How NOT to Deal with Anxiety, Depression

Most of us try to find little ways to cope with the difficult parts of our life. Some try to escape from unpleasant situations with laughter, others with movies, and so on. But what is one of the worst ways people can cope with anxiety or depression?

Anatomy of Driving Fear: Its Development and Its Causes

Even if it feels like you just woke up one day and found yourself afraid of driving, the fear typically follows a developmental pattern that can stem from a single cause. Read on for more!