Virtual Reality and the Treatment of Driving Phobia — Part 1
Posted on August 20, 2012
Treating phobias with therapy -- especially exposure therapy -- is common and often very effective. The main obstacle to successful treatment is usually the phobic person's inability to tolerate the direct approach adopted in exposure therapy. But what if one could learn to face one's fears without ever being in any real danger?
College Student Speaks Up about Driving Anxiety
Posted on August 19, 2012
Driving anxiety affects people from all backgrounds. A young lady in college writes about her personal experience with driving anxiety. She discusses social support, motivation, and professional treatment used for people who are fearful of driving. Read about her struggle with driving anxiety and how she proactively learns to deal with it.
Basic Strategies for Dealing with Driving Fear
Posted on August 19, 2012
Driving anxiety and fear can hinder you from living a free and independent life. It's difficult to function in today's society if you don't have the ability to get behind the wheel. Limited mobility is a problem faced by many people, but able-bodied adults who are too afraid to drive tend to feel guilty about it. Learn how you can motivate yourself to get better.
Driving Anxiety: Taking a Driving Exam
Posted on August 16, 2012
Driving anxiety isn't always confined to regular driving situations. Some people find taking a driving test to be more anxiety-provoking than driving in general. There are techniques for drivers who feel nervous on the highway and under similar circumstances. But what is recommended for people who are really just afraid of driving assessment?
Treating Driving Fear with Exposure Therapy
Posted on August 14, 2012
Is driving phobia starting to make you feel like you'll never lead a normal life? If so, you may want to explore professional treatment options. Exposure therapy is a type of treatment which can teach you to face your fear of driving and eventually move past it. Learn what exposure therapy is and how it can change your life if you give it a chance.
Massage Relieves Symptoms of Anxiety, Depression
Posted on August 13, 2012
Getting a massage is a relaxing and effective way to temporarily relieve stress. A massage increases blood flow to various parts of the body and releases tension in the muscles. Some people consider a massage an indulgence or a special treat, but it can have a number of benefits on your body and on your mind.