Treating Driving Anxiety without Using Therapy
Posted on September 19, 2012
While therapy is an excellent way to treat a range of mental health problems, it isn't for everyone. Some people, for various reasons, do not want to seek counseling. If you have a non-debilitating fear of driving or a manageable fear of certain driving situations, there are basic techniques you can try on your own to end your anxiety.
Treating Driving Phobia with Cognitive Therapy
Posted on September 13, 2012
Driving is an important skill to have in most parts of America. People typically have to drive for everyday tasks such as buying groceries, picking up their kids, and commuting to work. This is why it can be so difficult for people with driving phobia to function normally. Driving fear can affect anyone, but it is treatable. Read about one method which is used to help driving phobics.
Driving Fear Program Case Study – Marie Muchow
Posted on September 2, 2012
Hear Marie tell her personal story of driving anxiety and how she used The Driving Fear Program to overcome her fear and change her life!
Driving Fear Program Case Study – Heather Lopez
Posted on September 2, 2012
Hear Heather tell her personal story of driving anxiety and how she used The Driving Fear Program to overcome her fear and change her life!
Driving Fear Program Case Study – Marion
Posted on September 2, 2012
Hear Marion tell her personal story of driving anxiety and how she used The Driving Fear Program to overcome her fear and change her life!
Driving Fear Program Case Study – Jessica
Posted on September 2, 2012
Hear Jessica tell her personal story of driving anxiety and how she used The Driving Fear Program to overcome her fear and change her life!